What is Inkcap?

Inkcap is a newsletter about nature and conservation in the UK.

I set up Inkcap to create a dedicated space for journalism about the British environment: about wildflower meadows and ancient woodland, rewilding and restoration, landscapes and creatures, and everything in between.

The natural world is in crisis. Yet a lot of environmental journalism focuses on the issues facing other countries. We look to the Amazon, ignoring the hectares that have already been destroyed on these islands, and worry about rhinos while our native species dwindle towards extinction. This is not someone else’s problem; we must take accountability for our own environment.

Inkcap seeks to address this. Every Friday, I send out a roundup of the news, reports and science concerning the UK environment. It includes everything from local news reports to academic journals – a one-stop shop to keep you informed of the good, the bad and the ugly.

On Wednesdays, I send out a piece of original journalism, written and reported by me, on some feature of the UK’s natural world. Inkcap is totally independent, and I seek to bring light to topics that have not been sufficiently covered elsewhere, with all the nuance and complexity that involves.

Who reads Inkcap?

Inkcap is for anyone.

It is for wanderers, nature-lovers, birdwatchers, botanists, ecologists, conservationists, guerrilla gardeners, rewilders, ocean-goers, lepidopterists and entomologists, writers, trespassers, beachcombers, campaigners, farmers, hillwalkers, kayakers, meadowmakers, wild swimmers, biologists.

Inkcap is already read by hundreds of people each week, including individuals from across government, non-governmental organisations and media. Here is what some readers have said so far:

Who writes Inkcap?

I do. Hello. I’m Sophie Yeo.

I’m a freelance journalist based in Newcastle-Upon-Tyne, and I’ve been writing about the environment since 2013.

Initially, I worked as a staff writer at two publications in London: Climate Home and Carbon Brief. In 2017, I went freelance. Since then, my work has been published in the Guardian, the Washington Post, Nature, National Geographic, BBC Future, Pacific Standard and other places. You can see examples on my website.

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Nature, ecology and conservation in the UK


Newsletter on nature, ecology and conservation in the UK, run by @some_yeo