Great Thank You

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This is absolutely wonderful! Thank you!

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I have been unsuccessful in trying to contact Sophie or inkcap with questions and donation queries.

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Hi David. I might have missed your email – I get a lot! You can contact me at editor@inkcap.co.uk. Thanks!

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Thought you might be interested in this very similar piece made in 2016 as part of a commission from Somerset Art Works in collaboration with the Great Crane Project:


Woven from field recordings at Shapwick Heath and field recordings obtained from the Open Source Xeno Canto archive. The ‘slides’ are of bird bones in the collection of South West Heritage and were excavated from Meare and Glastonbury lake villages by Arthur Bulleid.

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Beautiful piece of work thank you. I can feel my ancestral landscape pulling my heart strings

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Just amazing! Loving landscape ... Yards from our home today!

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Glorious,imagine waking up to that birdsong. You have made my day. Thank you.

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Wonderful, my home reimagined.

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This is just wonderful. thank you for showing it to me.

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